I love this time of year. Oh, it is busy, sure. Especially in my home, where my wife, three kids and I celebrate eight days of Hanukkah,and then roll right into Christmas and New Year’s Eve. But it is so full of joy, laughter, warmth, and fun that I wouldn’t have it any other way.
As I write this on December 10th, our children have opened all their Hanukkah gifts, we have each selected this year’s charity of choice, the menorah candles have been lit for the last time, and I have fried up my final batch of latkes(traditional potato pancakes) for 2018. As I sit in my home office, wrapping up a few client projects while Alexa blares a mix of Christmas classics, I take some time to reflect on the successes and learnings since I launched Ted Goldwyn Writing in November 2014.
The successes have been many.
Looking back at four years in business, I am proud to have been involved in over 330 writing, editing, and marketing projects. This listincludes dozens of white papers and case studies, well over a hundred articlesand blog posts, and over a hundred editing and proofreading assignments.
I feel blessed to have maintained wonderful relationships with a core group of long-time clients who use my services, via retainer contracts, regular monthly assignments, or ongoing repeat business. I am also
As I enter my fifth year in business, I am enthusiastic about what 2019 will hold. The die has been set for record growth, and I look forward to expanding on the core services I offer to financial services marketers.
Based on client requests and in recognition of a definite need for basic business writing skills among professionals in a variety of industries, I began offering a BusinessWriting Basics remote training program in 2018. I present this program as alive or recorded webinar, customized to my clients’ specific needs. The training has been well-received, and I plan to roll this out more broadly in 2019. In addition, I am currently in talks with a local college to offer a full-day in-person course to area employers and the public.
I am also early in the planning stages of writing a new book to help marketers navigate the stormy seas of dynamic content marketing. Staytuned!
Of course, Ted Goldwyn Writing will continue to focus on content marketing, thought leadership, and editing for the financial services industry. If you are searching for an experienced financial services writer
I want to take a moment to thank you, my loyal readers foryour support, business, thoughtful advice, and genuine kindness over this pastyear. I wish you and your families a joyful holiday season and a New Year filled with success and happiness.
Best wishes,