Avoiding Case Study Catastrophe (Part 2): Fixing a Flat Tire

In the previous issue of The Bite-sized Bulletin, I discussed the number one scourge of content marketers everywhere: the dreaded “case study catastrophe.” What is this scary beast? It’s an all-too-common scenario: your company has a compelling customer success story...

Avoiding Case Study Catastrophe

Picture this. You have just helped a new client achieve his business goals. He can’t stop gushing about how thrilled he is with your product or service, and perhaps even offers a testimonial. So, you cautiously ask your client to participate in a case study about his...

Training for the Marketing Marathon

For a recreational runner training for a big autumn distance race, the months of July and August are soul-crushing. You’re getting into the heavy slog weeks of long, slow distance runs, mentally taxing mid-week speed work, and weekly mileage counts approaching 30, 40,...